Link an Insurance to a Patient

1. Click Insurances from the Patients tab

2. If the Patient has any Insurances already linked, they will be viewable here

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3. To link an Insurance to the Patient, click the Insurance button

4. Enter the Insurance Name, Insured ID, Group Number and the Classification.

If Group Number is not available enter NONE.

Always choose Primary for classification if that doesn't auto populate.

5. If the patient is not the insured party, select a patient relationship (Responsible Party) from the drop down

If a link has been created on the patient record, you can also select the "Linked Accounts" field and select the name already in the file.  How to Link Patients

If the patient is not the insured party, select a patient relationship from the drop down

6. Add the Name and demographic information. If address is the same as the patient use the "Address same as patient" button to pre-populate

7. Use the "Search Contacts" magnifying glass if the "Responsible Party" is already a patient or a contact in the database

8. Select the contact from the list of results or continue searching

9. The contact information is populated

10. Click Save

Click Save

11. Check HIPAA and Financial Authorization forms as signed

If forms are signed, retain signed copies with the Patient Rx.

12. Locate the Patient Summary

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13. Select Edit Patient

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14. Select that forms are signed and enter in signed date, save

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15. Patient Summary will update to reflect both forms have been signed

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